Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Why Choose a Custom Notebook for Gaming?

why choose a custom notebook for gaming
If you’re shopping for a new laptop and you’re going to be using it for gaming, consider buying a custom notebook. Sure, if you’re mostly going to be using the laptop for general browsing and document tasks and just going to be gaming casually, and playing games that may be a few years old, you’re probably going to be fine with an off-the-shelf laptop. But if you want to play the latest games (including the ones that come out after you’ve bought your laptop), and if gaming performance is important to you, a custom laptop will be the best bet.

If you’re buying a laptop form Dell or HP they will have a limited selection. Especially if you’re buying from a store like Best Buy, since their selection of computers is geared towards less tech-savvy consumers. If they do have notebooks that could be used for gaming, they’ll tend to be their top-of-the line offerings and will be expensive. 

Probably the most important component to consider when looking for a gaming notebook is a discrete graphics card. Just like desktop computers, not all laptops have discrete GPUs (graphics processing units), and many don’t need them. They make do with integrated graphics processing chips, like the Intel HD Graphics, and the Iris Pro. These types of graphics solutions share memory with the CPU, and may even be on the CPU itself. This is fine for general multitasking, graphics processing (like video editing) and 2D gaming. If you’re going to be 3D gaming with an integrated graphics processing unit, you’re going to have to turn the graphics settings down.

Discrete graphics cards have their own memory and processors and allow gamers to experience amazing visuals, even in a notebook. However if you’re shopping for a notebook from a big box manufacturer, discrete GPUs in laptops may come bundled with things you don’t need, like i7 processors and large SSDs.

With a custom-built notebook, you can find a laptop that has a high-grade discrete mobile GPU, like the Nvidia GeForce GTX 970M, for much cheaper than what you’d find at Dell or HP. These computers will allow you to play all the games you want at high graphics settings, and save you enough money so that you can build your collection of games.

If you’re concerned about technical support for your custom computer, don’t worry. Just like with the other guys, custom PC makers have dedicated support departments where you can call in for technical support, and send your computer for warranty service and repairs.

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